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Cosa sono le Missioni?

Le missioni sono una novità nel gioco. Sono state create in sostituzione al vecchio tutorial. I giocatori iniziano al meglio il gioco con queste missioni. Svolgendole hanno ricompense come risorse, truppe e altro ancora. Ci sono diversi tipi di missioni, separate tramite il loro tipo. Si parte con le "Missioni Tutorial" che vi introducono nel gioco, prendendo confidenza con il gioco. Poi si continua con altri tipi di missioni, come le "Missioni di Guerra", facendovi così conoscere ogni aspetto del gioco.


Qui sotto sono presentati i consiglieri che vi daranno le missioni. Ogni consigliere si occupa di un tipo di missione, anche se essendo missioni che coinvolgono più aspetti del gioco, non c'è un limite ben definito al ruolo dei consiglieri, ma semplicemente un ruolo predominante.

Immagine Ruolo
Missioni 1.png Il conosigliere rosso è il responsabile di tutto ciò che riguarda le risorse. Sarà lui a occuparsi del mercato, degli edifici di produzione di risorse ecc.
Missioni 2.png Il consigliere giallo è il responsabile di tutto ciò che riguarda la guerra. Sarà lui a occuparsi dell'attacco dei villaggi, della caserma ecc.
Missioni 3.png Il consigliere verde è il responsabile di tutto ciò che riguarda la navigazione. Sarà lui a occuparsi della costruzione di trasporti, della conquista ecc.
Missioni 4.png Il consigliere blu è il responsabile di tutto ciò che riguarda gli altri aspetti del gioco. Sarà lui a occuparsi delle missioni tutorial, delle missioni riguardanti i punti cultura ecc.
Missioni 5.png N/D

Posso annullare le missioni?

Una volta che completi tutte le missioni in 1 dei tuoi mondi, sarai in grado di annullarle nei prossimi mondi in cui giocherai. Non c'è un'opzione che vi fa saltare una particolare missione (fa eccezione la missione "Invita un amico"), anche avendo finito le missioni su un mondo.

Missioni (in traduzione)

Ogni missione è mostrata in ordine cronologico dentro al gruppo, ma i gruppi non sono ordinati. Questo vuol dire che ci possono essere più gruppi che mostrano missioni in contemporanea oppure gruppi che appaiono solo se una particolare missione è stata svolta, quindi l'ordine in cui appaiono i gruppi dipende solo da te.

Missioni tutorial

Nome Descrizione Requisiti Ricompensa
Poni la prima pietra Per far crescere la vostra città avete bisogno di materie prime. Aprite la panoramica della città e scegliete l'edificio nel centro, il Senato. Qui potete ordinare la costruzione di altri edifici. Per prima cosa costruite una segheria. Costruite una Segheria. 20 Wood.png
Comincia a estrarre rocce Amplia i rifornimenti di base della città costruendo una cava di pietra. Costruite una Cava di pietra. 20 Stone.png
Cibo per il popolo Oltre alle materie prime, anche il cibo è importante per rifornire i lavoratori e le truppe. In alto a destra sullo schermo potete vedere quanti abitanti potete nutrire. Ampliate la fattoria per far crescere la città. Ampliate la Fattoria al livello 2. 20 Iron.png
Legno per ampliamento delle miniere Per stabilizzare le miniere tra le montagne è necessario molto legno. Ampliate le segherie al livello 3. Potete impostare contemporaneamente più ordini di costruzione e questi verranno portati avanti seguendo l'ordine. Ampliate la Segheria al livello 3. 25 Wood.png 25 Stone.png 25Iron.png
Sotto terra Costruite una miniera d'argento per poter coniare preziose monete d'argento. Costruite una Miniera d'argento. 30 Wood.png 30 Stone.png 30 Iron.png
Al sicuro Più grande è il magazzino, più materie prime potete conservare. Inoltre una parte delle materie prime in questo modo sono al sicuro da saccheggi nemici. Le materie prime che non possono essere immagazzinate andranno perse. Ampliate il Magazzino al livello 2. 50 Wood.png 50 Stone.png
Costruisci più rapidamente Il Senato è il motore della crescita della vostra città ed è indispensabile per molti edifici, diminuendo contemporaneamente il tempo di costruzione di tutti gli edifici. Ampliate il Senato al livello 3. 100 File:Holz.png 100 File:Stein.png
Crescita Un ulteriore livello della fattoria vi darà la possibilità di costruire una caserma. Ampliate la Fattoria al livello 3. 50 Wood.png 50 Stone.png 50 Iron.png
Nascita di una forza militare Un altro pilastro per un potente impero è il suo esercito. Fate costruire una caserma dove poter reclutare truppe. Costruite una Caserma. 100 Wood.png 100 Stone.png 100 Iron.png
Nuovo nome della città Le basi per una grande metropoli sono state poste. Ora dovreste dare un nome alla vostra città. Per farlo cliccate due volte sul nome della città in alto a sinistra. Cambiate il nome della città. 50 Wood.png 50 Stone.png 50 Iron.png

I contadini dell'isola

Nome Descrizione Requisiti Ricompense
Richieste e saccheggi Sulla vostra isola ci sono alcuni villaggi rurali, di cui uno è già sottomesso. Lì potete richiedere regolarmente materie prime come tributo. Potete decidere se saccheggiarlo, per ottenere ancora più materie prime. Ciò però può portare a una rivolta. Per prima cosa provate con una semplice richiesta di materie prime come tributo. Chiedete o saccheggiate un po' di materie prime da un villaggio rurale sulla mappa. 6 Sword 90x90.jpg
Conquista villaggio rurale Conquistate altri villaggi rurali sconfiggendo le difese locali. Non appena avrete ordinato un attacco, i movimenti delle truppe vi saranno mostrati nella barra in alto. Subito dopo l'attacco riceverete un rapporto sull'esito della battaglia. Conquistate il vostro secondo villaggio rurale. 2 Cecchino.jpg
Reclutamento Più villaggi rurali controllate sulla vostra isola, più soldati saranno necessari per conquistarne altri. Investite materie prime inutilizzate nella formazione di soldati. Se non disponete di sufficienti materie prime, chiedetene ai vostri villaggi rurali. Reclutate Spadaccini fino ad averne in tutto 7. 5 Cecchino.jpg
Più autorità In quanto sovrani, vi spetta una parte della rendita dei villaggi rurali. Se si rifiutano di pagarla, dovete prendervi le materie prime con la forza. Conquistate il vostro terzo villaggio rurale. 5 Oplita.jpg
Tribute Conquer more farming villages to demand tribute from them. Remember to pay close attention to the defender's defensive stats. Slingers possess minimal defense against distance weapons, and swordsmen are weak against sharp weapons. Control 5 farming villages. 5 Oplita.jpg 5 Cavaliere90x90.png
Hiring a Captain The greater your sphere of influence is, the more demanding the management of collecting tribute from all your villages becomes. The captain can alleviate some of this burden. He has decided to offer you his services free of charge for three days. Activate or extend the services of the captain. (You are given 3 days for free). 5 Cavaliere90x90.png
Village Management The captain's farming villages overview allows you to demand tribute from all the farming villages on an island at the same time. Demand resources from your farming villages using the overview. 100 Wood.png 100 Stone.png 100 Iron.png

Rifornimento materie prime

Nome Descrizione Requisiti Ricompense
Rifornimento base Ampliate il vostro rifornimento di materie prime, per avere sempre sufficiente materiale da costruzione a disposizione.
  1. Ampliate la Segheria al livello 4.
  2. Ampliate la Cava di pietra al livello 4.
  3. Ampliate la Miniera d'argento al livello 4.
450 Wood.png 100 Stone.png 450 Iron.png
Accumula riserve Fate in modo di possedere sempre un magazzino abbastanza grande, per non sprecare materie prime. Ampliate il Magazzino al livello 5. 1 H2.png
Marketplace The market opens trade between the farmers and other players. It is a very good way of compensating for shortages of specific resources. Construct a Marketplace 500 File:Holz.png 500 File:Stein.png 100 File:Silbermünzen.png
Country Bumpkins Trading with the farmers is normally profitable. But if you do it too often, their offers become progressively worse. If their mood drops below 80%, they will refuse any trades with you. Trade with a farming village. 100 File:Holz.png 100 File:Stein.png 100 File:Silbermünzen.png
Trading You can also trade with other players at the market. Do so by placing your own offer or by accepting another player's offer. Remember, for each level of your market, you can trade a maximum of 500 resources at one time. Trade with another player. 300 File:Holz.png 300 File:Stein.png 300 File:Silbermünzen.png
More Building Materials Resources are the key to growth.
  1. Expand the timber camp to level 10
  2. Expand the quarry to level 10
  3. Expand the silver mine to level 8
1 H2.png
Storage Site A bigger warehouse allows you to construct buildings with higher resource costs Expand the warehouse to level 10. 500 File:Silbermünzen.png
Prosperity The merchant optimizes your economic cycles and increases your resource production. He has decided to offer you his service free of charge for three days. Activate or extend the services of the Merchant. (You are given 3 days for free). 1 H2.png

Account Management

Name Description Requirements Reward
Email Confirmation Please confirm your email address by clicking on the link that was sent to your registered email address. You will receive valuable gold as a thank you. Confirm your email address. 100 Featureicons02 2.08.png

City Management

Name Description Requirements Reward
Progress You must first expand the Senate to unlock more buildings. Expand the senate to level 5 800 File:Holz.png 800 File:Stein.png 800 File:Silbermünzen.png
The Burden of Administration Managing an entire empire is a lot of work. The administrator can help you with this burden, for example by overseeing the construction of up to seven buildings. He has decided to offer you his services free of charge for three days. Activate or extend the services of the Administrator. (You are given 3 days for free). 100 File:Holz.png 100 File:Stein.png 100 File:Silbermünzen.png
Metropolis You city is slowly becoming a flourishing metropolis. Expand the Senate so that it is appropriate for the size of the city. Expand the senate to level 10. 700 File:Holz.png 700 File:Stein.png 700 File:Silbermünzen.png
Expanding the City Faster. Starting at a certain level, it takes a very long time to expand a building. However, for a little gold, extra workers can be hired to halve the construction time. I think I may be able to persuade a few workers to work for you for free this time. Reduce a building's construction time. 100 File:Holz.png 100 File:Stein.png 100 File:Silbermünzen.png
Landmarks Special buildings, such as the lighthouse or the divine statue, are the landmarks of a city. There are two groups with four construction projects each, and you can erect one building from each group. Consider carefully when choosing so you can profit from the unique benefits of these buildings. Construct a Special Building. 2000 File:Holz.png 2000 File:Stein.png

2000 File:Silbermünzen.png

Together we are Strong

Name Description Requirements Reward
Joining an Alliance An alliance is a federation of players who support each other against such things as enemy attacks. You can find alliances in your vicinity in the ranking list under "Ocean Alliances". Read the alliance profiles for any membership requirements and then write to the founder that you would like to join the alliance. Once you have been invited, you can accept the invitation under menu item "Alliance". Join an alliance.

Note that if you didn't want to join an alliance, you could simply found an alliance and then disband it after claiming your reward.

5 Swordsmen, 5 Slingers, 5 Archers and 5 Hoplites

City Defence

Name Description Requirements Reward
City Guard The bigger your city becomes, the greater the threat of your enemies' envy becomes. Make sure you are always well defended. Swordsmen are a good defensive unit, particularly against slingers and other troops armed with distance weapons. Establish a military force of 10 Swordsmen. 10 Swordsmen
City Wall A defender's main advantage is the city wall. Minor attacks are thwarted by the basic defense it provides. During larger battles, it provides your soldiers with a bonus. Construct a Wall 500 File:Stein.png

Il potere degli dei

Nome Descrizione Requisiti Ricompense
Sacrario Una metropoli fiorente ha bisogno di un tempio dove gli abitanti possano venerare gli dei ed effettuare sacrifici.
  1. Ampliate la Cava di pietra al livello 3.
  2. Costruite un Tempio.
100 Wood.png 200 Stone.png 150 Iron.png
Il favore degli dei In ogni città potete venerare una divinità. Per il momento dovreste andare nel tempio e scegliere Era come vostra divinità. Grazie ai suoi poteri divini è particolarmente consigliabile per l'ampliamento di una città. Più tardi potrete cambiare divinità, perdendo tuttavia tutto il favore che avevate accumulato finora con Era. Scegliete Era come vostra dea. 15 (Era) Favor.png
I messaggeri degli dei There are chosen warriors who can give your army access to the gods. Recruit a divine envoy in the barracks. Recluta un Messaggero divino. 250 (Era) Favor.png
Power of the Gods Select a Divine Power and use it on your city. Don't forget that each Divine Power costs favour with that god. When you are not at war, you should use Divine Powers to expand your city. Enact a divine power. 250 Favor.png
Favourite of the Gods You should expand your temple to produce more favour. The greater its expansion level, the more favour the gods will show you. Expand the Temple to level 3. 100 Favor.png
Ancient Rituals The ancient rituals which earn the gods' favour are known only to the high priestess. Giving her charge of your temple increases production of favour from the gods, as well as the fighting strength of your mythical units. She has chosen to offer you her services free of charge for three days. Activate or extend the services of the High Priestess. (You are given 3 days for free). 200 Favor.png

Among Friends

Name Description Requirements Reward
Invite Friends All great rulers of history have had powerful friends and allies. You should also encourage your friends to start an empire and become your allies. Friends you invite will automatically start their empires near you - if that is what you want.

Remember: You will receive 200 gold for each friend who reaches 1000 points.

Invite a friend and wait until he or she accepts your invitation 200 File:Holz.png 200 File:Stein.png 200 File:Silbermünzen.png


Name Description Requirements Reward
Knowledge is Power Those who possess the most advanced military units are always a step ahead. They can be researched in the academy. Construct an Academy 200 File:Holz.png 200 File:Stein.png 200 File:Silbermünzen.png
Offensive Unit With every level of the academy, you get 4 research points that can be invested in technologies. But you can never unlock all of the research. You should therefore take great care in deciding what you want to research. Slingers are important offensive units that you should definitely explore. Research Slingers. 200 File:Holz.png 200 File:Stein.png 200 File:Silbermünzen.png
Attacking Force Swordsmen are not very suited to an attack. Slingers on the other hand, have a high attack value. You can recruit them at the barracks, just like the swordsmen. Establish a military force with 10 Slingers. 10 Slingers.
First Attack You can get additional resources by looting other cities. But you will also risk losing your troops or falling prey to acts of vengeance. To start an attack, click on an enemy city on your island. Then select the attack symbol: two crossed swords. Now you can choose the units that you want to fight with and finally issue the command to attack. Attack another player. 10 Hoplites
Reinforcements Even if you win, some losses are inevitable. That's why you should get reinforcements on a regular basis. Establish a military force of 20 slingers. 5 Horsemen
Tactical Planning Now that you have an espionage report about the enemy city, you can simulate the battle in the simulator located at the agora. Enter the defensive and offensive units and click on "Simulate". If the results are positive, you should attack the city as soon as possible. Win an attack on another player's city. 5 Horsemen
Looter You can loot regularly if you have a powerful army. But keep in mind that the resources for your lost units have to cost less than the looted resources to make the attack worth your while. Loot a total of 10000 resources from other cities. 10 Horsemen
Leadership for the Troops The commander is an experienced officer and your troops are much more powerful under his leadership. Since you are an excellent strategist, he has decided to offer you his services free of charge for three days. Activate or extend the services of the Commander. (You are given 3 days for free). 5 Slingers

Secret Service

Name Description Requirements Reward
A Sinister Hideout To minimize your losses during the warfare, you need more information about your enemy. You can get this from spies who usually hide out in dark caves. Construct a Cave 1000 File:Silbermünzen.png
Greedy Agents The spies demand high payments for their services. Before you can give them an order, you have to store at least 1000 silver in the cave. Store 1000 silver in your cave. 500 File:Silbermünzen.png
Know Your Enemy You can now use the stored silver to spy on an enemy city. The more silver you pay, the greater is the chance that the spy will succeed. As soon as the spy has arrived, you will receive an espionage report. Spy on an enemy city. 500 File:Silbermünzen.png
Counter Espionage You can protect yourself against being spied on by the enemy by storing silver in the cave. If the spy was paid less silver than you have in the cave, the paid amount is deducted from your cave and you will be informed that you have warded off an enemy spy. Store 2000 silver in your cave. 1000 File:Silbermünzen.png

Beyond the Horizon

Name Description Requirements Reward
Broadening the Horizon You currently only have power over this island. If you want your empire to grow, you have to construct a harbour where ships can be built. Construct a harbour 3 Transport Ships
Phoenician Merchant You can hire warriors or trade merchandise with the Phoenician Merchant. When you trade merchandise, you will receive twice as much as you pay. Trade merchandise with the Phoenician Merchant. 1 Transport Ship
Construction Plans Greek ships are a marvel of engineering. Have your engineers create the construction plans for biremes at the academy. Research Biremes 3 Biremes
Harbour Defence The bireme is perfect for defending your harbour. As long as your enemies are unable to break through your harbor defense, they will be unable to land warriors to loot your city. Construct a fleet with 10 biremes 5 Biremes
Expansion To found additional cities or conquer enemy cities, you need a colony ship. This has to be researched at the academy first. You also need a level 20 harbor in order to construct such a large ship.
  1. Research the colony ship
  2. Expand the harbor to level 20
  3. Construct a colony ship
5 Transport Ships
Procedure Now you can decide whether you want to found a city or conquer one. The latter requires you to research Conquest at the academy. If you would like to found a city, you should find a free place on a surrounding island. Click on the hammer icon there and send your colony ship to this spot. As soon as it has arrived, it will start founding the city, which will take 24 hours. From then on, you will be the ruler of two cities.
  1. Found a city


  1. Research conquest
50 Swordsmen
Claim to Power To conquer a city, you have to start an attack and send a colony ship. The siege begins as soon as you win. However, you will have to defend the colony ship against attackers during the siege. Keep in mind that you have to use the "Support" command to send units to the target city to defend the colony ship. Protect the colony ship until the siege has ended to take over the city. Conquer a city. 50 Archers

Culture Points

Name Description Requirements Reward
A Place for Philosophers You need culture points before you can found and conquer more cities. This means you need an academy at level 30. Philosophers and poets can contemplate the important things in life here and thus create the foundation for a magnificent culture. Expand the Academy to level 30. 2000 File:Holz.png2000 File:Stein.png

2000 File:Silbermünzen.png

Olympic Games A peaceful competition is an important cultural feature of Greece. You can start the Olympic Games at the Agora for a little bit of gold in order to get culture points. This time, to celebrate the opening of your magnificent academy, you can host the Olympic Games free of charge. Organise the Olympic Games. 2000 File:Holz.png 2000 File:Stein.png

2000 File:Silbermünzen.png

A Large Festival A large city festival attracts many strangers to the city, who share their customs and traditions with your residents over a cup of wine. This is another opportunity to get culture points and can also be found in the Agora. The more cities you own, the more culture points you need to found another city. Organise a City Festival. 1 Culture Point


Name Description Requirements Reward
Troop Transporter Before you can loot distant cities, you first have to get your troops there. That's what transport boats are for. The fast ones are best, so that the enemy has as little time to react as possible. Construct a fleet with 5 Fast Transport Ships 5 Fast Transport Ships
Inferno As everyone knows, ships are made of wood, and wood is a good combustion agent. This means that light ships are an excellent method to destroy the enemy's harbor defense. Construct a fleet with 10 Light Ships. 5 Light Ships
Terror of the Seas Now you can attack a city on another island. To do this, you will need light ships for the sea battle, offensive units for the land battle, and enough transportation for the soldiers. It also wouldn't hurt to spy on the city first so that you know what you're dealing with. Loot a city on a foreign island. 5 Biremes
Victorious You receive battle points for every battle in which you defeat enemy soldiers - one battle point per resident used by the defeated units. For example, swordsmen and slingers each result in one battle point, while a rider yields three and a bireme even eight. You can use these battle points at the agora to start a victory parade. Organise the Victory Procession. 1 Culture Point